It’s international breast cancer awareness month. While we come together to spread awareness, it’s interesting how this all started.
Let’s delve into the history. Let’s understand the power of unity.

Why October ?

Breast Cancer Awarness With Ribbon Panacea

NBCAM(National Breast Cancer Awareness Month) first started in October 1985. The first lady then, Betty Ford, wife of 38th US president Gerald Ford was a breast cancer survivor. She was prescribed the L-PAM regimen and underwent a radical mastectomy in 1974. She beat all the odds and sailed through the storm to come out as a survivor.
She realized that rather than cancer, it is the silence that kills women. Women were afraid to speak about their symptoms leading to disease progression and delay in diagnosis, let alone the emotional burden they would live with. At the time when talking about cancer was a taboo, she chose to be verbal about it.
Being a social activist and the First lady, she could drive more attention to her awareness campaigns. Betty Ford in collaboration American Cancer Society(ACS) and Imperial Chemical Industries (AstraZeneca) started week-long campaigns to promote mammography as the most effective diagnostic tool.
Concluding her 1975 ACS address, Ford said, “My illness turned out to have a very special purpose—helping save other lives, and I am grateful for what I was able to do.”

Why the Pink ribbon?


The tradition of use of colored ribbons started in 1979 when yellow ribbons were used for soldiers fighting in Gulf wars. Red ribbons with a loop were used years later as a symbol for those impacted by AIDS. Two parallel stories were running at the same time, both for the cause of awareness. One was with the help of a peach -colored ribbon distributed at grassroot level, started by Charlotte Haley (her mother, grandmother, sister being affected by breast cancer) around 1989. She insisted that more funds be diverted to research in breast cancer.
Other was from the cancer survivor and guest editor – Evelyn Lauder (Vice president of Estee Lauder Companies) for the then popular Self magazine. She along with Self magazine Editor-in-Chief, Alexandra Penney started the Pink ribbon campaign. They distributed the looped pink ribbon across New York city to raise awareness.

Pink ribbon gradually became symbolic to breast cancer.

It was hard to imagine back then, that these three ladies affected by breast cancer would became the voice of the nation. As the awareness increased, so did more voices and openness about the disease.
Awareness campaigns that were once localized to cities gradually picked momentum and were accepted internationally.

What do we learn ?

It is the power of voice.

The choice to speak up.

The decision to not shy away from your breast issues.

Early detection starts at home by being aware and by self-breast exams.

When in doubt, it is good to consult a breast specialist than be silent.

For any queries related to breast problems, visit Panacea Clinic.

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Dr. Arundhati Marathe Lote